If I could, I swear I would read every day for most of the day. Unfortunately I just don't have the time for that. Which is why I have always been curious about the people who read 100 books in a year. Where do they find the time? Maybe it's the fact that I am a slow reader as well. It just takes me longer to finish a book... Even if I was a faster reader, I doubt that I would be able to read much more than 50 books in a year just because of time restraints.
School and work eat up most of my day, plus there is still eating and sleeping. Then there are my 4 pets I have to take care of and give attention to. (If you want to know more about my animals check out chrissyandashleygotovegas.com tomorrow.) Add blogging (I have 3 blogs) and vlogging (just one channel) to my free time and I am left with very little. Oh yeah and my boyfriend wants me to pay attention to him every once and a while too. Needless to say I read when I can. Not to say that I can't get much reading done, I do stick to a schedule of about a book a week, which is more than some people can say.
I just feel like so many people get much more reading done than I am able to do. Jealousy is the root of the issue though. Being able to get through that many books in a month or a year is something I would love to be able to do. There are just so many great books out there (with more coming out all the time) that I just want a chance to get at more of them. At the end of the day though, my life is what it is and I can read only what I can.
Maybe after graduation I will have more time to read... or maybe I will have less. Let's hope for the first.
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